Non-Resident Suppliers

We encourage suppliers outside of Saskatchewan to familiarize themselves with all applicable Canadian and Saskatchewan laws and regulations.

Trade Agreements

As a public sector entity, USask is subject to these trade agreements and must comply with the regulations, including tendering notices and limited tendering.

Reporting Requirements

As a public sector entity, USask must comply with local, provincial and federal reporting requirements.

Electrical Equipment


In Saskatchewan, all electrical equipment must be certified by one of SaskPower's recognized testing agencies. If your equipment is not certified, complete the Electrical Equipment Certification Form. More information about certification requirements can be found in the "Certification Information" document.

Environmental Handling

Saskatchewan Waste Electronic Equipment Program (SWEEP) coordinates electronic equipment collection and recycling under the Environment Management and Protection Act.

Non-Consumptive Alcohol

In accordance with The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, The Alcohol Control Regulations and the Excise Tax Act, all non-consumptive alcohol use and disbursement must be tracked and recorded using the Non-Consumptive Alcohol Inventory Control Sheet.  

In addition, the following are procedures implemented by the Canada Revenue Agency Excise Duty Office and the University of Saskatchewan:

  1. All purchases of alcohol must be purchased through the use of Purchase Orders (NOT the Procurement Card).
  2. The alcohol is to be kept in locked storage rooms/areas/cabinets with restricted access to the alcohol (storekeepers and personnel in the labs). All alcohol must be labeled “Not for human consumption – for educational/scientific research purposes only”.
  3. A record of the alcohol being disbursed is to be kept using the Non-Consumptive Alcohol Inventory Control Sheet and any applicable requisition forms. A usage code must be assigned on the control sheet for the alcohol used.
  4. Users must keep records of disbursement and usage, as recorded on the Non-Consumptive Alcohol Control Sheet, for a minimum of three years.  All records must be available for audit within 24 hours.   
  5. Method of disposal – All waste ethanol or ethanol mixtures must be disposed of through the University of Saskatchewan’s Waste Management Facility.  Waste ethanol must be denatured to make it unfit for human consumption.  For unused ethanol or ethanol that has not been mixed with any other solvents, this can be accomplished by mixing it with a solvent such as methanol (minimum 10% by volume).  For mixtures of solvents that contain ethanol, these can be disposed of “as is” if the non-ethanol component is a minimum of 10% by volume (any water content must be excluded from the 10% minimum).  For additional assistance, please contact Safety Resources at 306-966-4675.

Please forward this information to others in your area who should be made aware of the above.
Please keep in mind that it is very important to maintain these controls and strict records for audit purposes. Your assistance and cooperation in doing this is appreciated.


Procurement Services